Why do I need a resource to pray with my spouse? 


Prayer is communicating with God. Prayer is as essential to our souls as eating is essential to our bodies. Prayer is real contact with God, and God commands us to pray. Prayer is not for us to get God to do as we want Him to, but rather for us to turn our hearts toward Him, allowing our desires to become aligned with what He desires for us.


Prayer requires humility and faith: the humility to understand that it is not about us, and faith that in our praying we will begin to understand more clearly the purpose for which we are created. In praying to God, the Creator himself will reveal to us His plan for our lives.  Three of the deepest needs for our soul are truth, goodness and beauty. Prayer gives truth to our mind, goodness to our will and beauty to our heart, as stated it the book Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft.


If prayer can transform one’s heart, imagine what can happen when a married couple prays together. The two can truly become one, one after God’s own heart. Prayer allows us to become vulnerable together before God in order that He may infuse our hearts with His presence and allow us to become His instrument, His vessel to dispense His love to one another and fulfill our purpose to love and give life unconditionally. We become transparent and open, willing to be ‘real’ – to be who we are, with the courage to share ourselves totally with one another. God will give us the desire to be faithful to our promise and to come together in all things in order that our union will produce fruit that will overflow into every aspect of our lives. Consequently, fulfilling our intimate calling to emulate Christ to be obedient to God-out of authentic love for Him-we will freely give of ourselves in totality to our spouse. We will be allowed through one another’s acceptance to be ‘naked without shame’ in all things.


The most protected area of the body is the heart. The heart is what determines our living or our dying. We attempt to protect it from pain while at the same time filling its emptiness with meaningless things. It gets stressed, it hurts, and begins to feel empty only because we have not allowed it to be filled with Love himself. Prayer opens up the opportunity to open our hearts toward God, instead of turning them inward, feeding our selfishness. We are able to pour out the love received abundantly, which multiplies as we share with others. By kneeling together at the foot of the cross before God, He gives us the strength to stand together through anything that might come our way. We must do all we can to protect ‘the heart of our marriage’ in order to overcome the distractions and evils that unceasingly work at taking us away form fulfilling our purpose-to love as God loves.


Have you lost hope? Do you feel sense of despair? Would you like to experience a better way? Give yourself a gift from which you will benefit greatly-dissolve the great hunger you have searched to satisfy – turn to the Bread of Life that fulfills and drink from the waters of everlasting life that quenches the thirst deep within-Jesus Christ is the one who surrendered it all for you. He will not only sustain you, but He allows you to be fed and filled from His sacrifice on the cross and the pouring out of His blood to fulfill God’s purpose not to give us a better life, but a new life.

Every day you will receive...


A teaching to help you achieve growth in your marriage.



A daily prayer will be provided for you and your spouse to recite together.



A Grace in Action that will give a practical tip to do for your spouse.

Start today. Begin anew. Your heart will be transformed, your marriage will thrive, your family will be filled with joy and the world will have a stronger foundation as you begin to pray together. The restoration of a culture, through your willingness to invest your heart and soul into something that will make a difference, depends on your willingness and openness to do as God demands: PRAY. The marriage begets the family and “the family is the foundation of our society, as the gamily goes, so goes this nation and so goes the world in which we live.” John Paul II, pray for us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Take this opportunity to strengthen your marriage.



The couple that prays together stays together!