Introducing The Virtues - A Program for Couples


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“There is another way to look at growth in marriage:  namely, as growth in virtue.  As a couple grows in virtue, they grow in holiness." 

(Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan)

What does The Virtues have to offer?

We are glad that you are considering this program. Caring for your marriage begins with making time for each other. This program invites you to reflect on the virtues of Prudence, Justice, Courage and Temperance, and their importance in your marriage and life.


This course includes videos and handouts to guide your conversation about important habits that affect your daily life, such as making prudent decisions, being fair with each other, having the courage to be silent when it is best not to say anything, or to speak up when necessary, and the strength to manage our desires.

As you watch the videos and read the articles in the handouts you will be encouraged to examine your habits - your ways of doing things. Often couples find that their habits can be the source of conflicts. Make sure to read the flyer: "Helpful Steps In Sharing Your Feelings With Each Other."  

Please remember that this program is not a substitute for marriage counseling, if that is what you need.

Module 1


Life is full of decisions, big and small. Each day we make many decisions out of habit. We decide what to eat, how we drive, when and how to use the Internet, what to buy, etc. Some of these habits lead us to good decisions; other habits may not serve us ell.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that the prudent person discerns what is good, and chooses the right path to achieve it.

Module 2


According to the Catechism Fortitude, also known as courage, is the virtue that gives us the strength to conquer our fears and to persevere in the pursuit of the good. (CCC1808)  Fortitude is the virtue that gives us the strength to become what God created us to be – to live our vocation, even when it is difficult.  We all have fears. As you go about your daily life, what concerns do you have?

Module 3


According to the Catechism the virtue of Justice is “the firm and constant will to give God and neighbor their due.” (CCC1836) The Catechism explains that the virtue of Justice prompts us to respect the rights of others and in so doing we promote equity and harmony in the family and in society.

Module 4


Moderation helps us live a balanced life. We need moderation when we eat or drink, when we use social media, when we spend money, when we play or watch sports, when we work, and in all aspects of our life. Without moderation we let our passions control our life and we are out of balance.  One expression of the virtue of temperance is the practice of chastity.

What Others Have Experienced

"In this day and age, the record given by God to mankind about marriage is often scratched by the dominant culture and leads many couples to skip grooves forward and to be stuck in the same grooves over and over again. What was meant in the beginning to be a relationship based on charity, then becomes a tiresome exercise in selfishness. This course teaches Gods plan!"

John & Marsha
Katy, TX

"This course has something for everyone. If your marriage is failing their advice is life-saving. If your marriage is struggling, their advice will help you. If you are preparing for marriage, their advice will guide you and if you have a healthy marriage, their advice will inspire you. The total self-revelation of their story about how they overcame the problems that dissolve most marriages and now live in a fruitful exchange of love is a gift to all of us."

Frank & Juliet

"β€œThe VIRTUES: Four Dates for Catholic Couples Program was a great success! We had 12 couples attend and as a result of the program two marriages were saved!” "

Parish Priest
Diocese of Charleston

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